Crisis Averted by Caitlin Rivers to Publish This Fall

“A master class in how we can pinpoint and prevent health crises before they spiral out of control.”—Scott Gottlieb, MD, author of Uncontrolled Spread
Crisis Averted is a fascinating window into the secret life of epidemiology, weaving together stories of triumph and tragedy, with a boots-on-the-ground perspective on how we can avert the next public health crisis.
About the Book
There are few visible markers of the accomplishments of public health. When epidemiologists do their jobs, nothing happens. An outbreak does not grow into an epidemic. A child does not go hungry. A would-be smoker never lights up. In this fascinating window into the secret life of public health, Caitlin Rivers weaves together stories of triumph and tragedy to show that by making sure things don’t happen. She and legions of scientists, practitioners, and policymakers change the course of history.
We have many of the tools and experiences needed to prevent the next crisis, but as past experiences teach us, the unexpected is always around the corner. We cannot afford complacency, as countless challenges remain, including constantly emerging pathogens, the rapid growth of biotechnology, and the inconsistent cycles of funding for public health programs. Progress can be slow, but the unsung heroes in epidemiology remain focused on their missions. Crisis Averted tells their stories—from the eradication of smallpox in the twentieth century to a battle against mosquito-borne diseases in the Florida Keys to the international safeguards implemented against extraterrestrial germs.
By taking a candid look at how we solve problems in public health, Caitlin Rivers illuminates the role of epidemiology in all our lives and lays out the case for what can be accomplished given sufficient vision, leadership, and resources. Crisis Averted is an inspiring and galvanizing call for us to work together towards a healthier, more resilient future.
About Caitlin Rivers

She has written for or has been featured in media such as USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Science, Foreign Affairs, Vox, and NPR. She talks about outbreaks and public health in her weekly newsletter, Force of Infection.
Dr. Rivers’ speaking engagements are managed by Worldwide Speaker Group. Contact us for her speaking availability.