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What the Indian state known as ‘God’s own country’ can teach us about eating to our health

Thought Leader: Sanjay Gupta
April 12, 2019
Source: Link

By Sanjay Gupta (Original source CNN)

“As an Indian kid growing up in the States, my parents did everything they could to create a little feeling of their ancestral land in our small Midwestern town. There was always classical Indian music, full of sitars and harmoniums, blaring on the weekends. My father often changed into a traditional kurta shirt in the evenings, after work. Our home always carried the strong fragrances of the spices and herbs of my parents’ favorite dishes, which seemed to permanently embed themselves into our furniture fabrics, clothes and even our skin.

And, although neither of my parents was a doctor, they often treated me and my little brother with home remedies passed down to them over many generations. For example, to get us to calm down, my mom taught us an alternate nostril breathing technique. It’s called Nadi Shodhana, and my mom, who is an engineer, had a very precise way of demonstrating it.”

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