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Thanks to grit and determination, Benjamin Franklin became immortal

Thought Leader: Newt Gingrich
April 8, 2019
Source: Link

By Newt Gingrich (Original source Fox News)

“Of all our Founding Fathers – with the exception of George Washington – the one who had the most impact on our society and its history was, without a doubt, Benjamin Franklin.

In addition to helping to draft our founding documents and shape our republic and its political history, Franklin had a profound breadth of interest and activity as a businessman, a publisher, a writer, and an inventor – of both products and societal institutions that are still operating today.

This is why the latest episode of my “Newt’s World” podcast is titled “The Immortals: Benjamin Franklin.”

People sometimes forget Franklin’s importance as a Founding Father because he was never president. But make no mistake, he was just as involved in the founding of our country as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, or any of the others.”

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