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SuperDataScience Podcast with Jon Krohn | The Top 10 Episodes of 2023

Thought Leader: Jon Krohn
March 8, 2024

For this Five-Minute Friday, host Jon Krohn lists our top ten listened-to podcasts in 2023. This curated list will help you catch up with our best-of content from last year.

We are releasing our 2023 top-ten list in March 2024 to mitigate any unfair advantage that an earlier episode may have over those released later in the year. Yes, this is absolutely a nerdy way to look at the data: Welcome to the show!
In the list, we count conversations with data science futurists, bestselling authors, and lively how-to guides from the industry’s top practitioners, which range from applying data science for good to using open-source tools for NLP. And, of course, one episode on our list answers the burning question: Is data science still sexy? Perhaps all of these episodes answer this question implicitly… we’ll let you decide.
We have listed our top ten in the show notes, but go ahead and listen to the episode before you click. Who doesn’t like surprises? Jon will also reveal his personal favorite and why; worth a listen.

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